Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Artist: Gym class Heroes.

This band was formed in 1997 by Travis "Schleprok" McCoy. He made his first  MTV debut in 2002 on a nationwide MC battle on Direct Effect. They have released 3 previous albums. Album number four is called " The Quilt". Travis McCoy and drummer Matt McGinley stared the band in 1997 when they met in PE at Geneva, New York High school. GCH began by playing birthday parties, clubs, and festivals. Which soon led to bigger gigs. I only know two of their songs. But from what I do know I love the GCH. The most famous song that yall may know is " Cupid's Chokehold". MTV and VH1 started playing " Clothes off" in the last year or two. Sure Travis has tattoos and peircings but some of my friends have been to some of their concerts. They say he is very sweet. But he isnt someone you would want to take home to mama. In my personal opinion, GYM CLASS HEROES ROCK! This concludes my blog on GCH.

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